Welcome to the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies (28 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Part 23) Online Training Program. This site is a tool for our nation's law enforcement and homeland security professionals. 28 CFR Part 23 is the guideline for law enforcement agencies that operate federally funded multijurisdictional or interjurisdictional criminal intelligence systems. The guideline specifically provides guidance for the submission, entry, security, inquiry, dissemination, review, and purge of criminal intelligence information. This site includes an introductory-level training on the regulation's core principles and provides an understanding of privacy and civil liberties concerns related to criminal intelligence information sharing.
Those agencies that are either supported through funding under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (Safe Streets Act), or that are held to the requirements of grant special conditions (e.g., High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas, Homeland Security Grant Program) or state law must comply with the 28 CFR Part 23 regulation.